+Waldeinsamkeit, 15" x 10.5", marker, watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper
+Sunshine Ripple Daydream, 12"x12", watercolor, gouache, and ShinHan poster paint on watercolor paper
Shaman, 24"x24", graphite, Sharpie paint pen, watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper
Magic Shroomdite, 11" x 8", micron, colored pencil, marker, glitter, and collaged marker & colored pencil paper cuts on watercolor paper
+RiRi's Celestial Rave, 11"x11", watercolor, gouache, marker, and Sharpie paint pen on watercolor paper
*Fungi Society-Rainbow Reverie, 8" x 6", marker, watercolor, and gouache on watercolor paper
*Fungi Society-Porcelain Nirvana, 6" x 8", marker, watercolor, and gouache on watercolor paper
+Evocative Victorian Sitting Room, Black and White, 16" x 20", micron on watercolor paper
Feeling Myself/Full Beast Mode, 8" x 10", micron , marker, Sharpie paint pen, and Milky Pop gel pen on watercolor paper
+Love is Eternal, 14"x11", micron, watercolor, gouache, and Sharpie paint pen on watercolor paper
*The Fantasmic Hedgie Dream Machine, 10"x10", micron on watercolor paper
Muffy/Tuffitted Titmouse, 16"x22", layered watercolor, gouache, Sharpie paint pen, and salt paintings on watercolor paper; top layer hand cut
Existence, 22" x 34", watercolor, gouache and Sharpie paint pen on watercolor paper
Sweet Black Tourmaline, 9" x 9", micron and Pitt artist pen on drawing paper
Aggression / Self-preservation, 8" x 10.5", micron, Pitt artist pen, vine charcoal, and yellow rose pigment on watercolor paper
Energy Transmutation / Survival, 14" x 14", micron, Pitt artist pen, prismacolor pencil, and floral pigments on watercolor paper